Welcome to Way to Succeed!
We offer an easy-to-use mini-course for helping first-year college students LEARN HOW TO LEARN MATH and other STEM content.
Our mini-course is all about learning, so it can be used with any course, from remedial math to calculus, from chemistry to physics.
Student Focused
- Students learn how to learn through short readings and quizzes and interacting with our proprietary diagnostic and prescriptive learning assessments.
- Learners develop increased responsibility and independence.
- Students advance their skills in metacognition and self-regulation.
- They improve their understanding of Math Anxiety and how to address it.
- Does not impact existing curriculum or class time.
- No extra work for instructors
- Instructors receive reports and scored quizzes for each student.
- Ten short once-a -week assignments for students.
- Simple and quick readings and assessments (<15 min. to complete).
- Common-sense approaches to learning.
- Practical for both student and instructors.
- Diagnostic feedback for students.
- Personalized and prescriptive
recommendations for improving learning. - Assessments adapt to each students' strengths and
- Long-lasting learning benefits.
- Transferrable learning skills to other learning situations.
- Low cost for both students and instructors.
- Research-based.
Here's what people are saying about Way to Succeed:
☛ From Professors:
"I think online learning should push a lot of colleges to use such materials. This is invaluable material for the learning centers." -Eric
"Jane and Tom are trying to solve what I consider to be the single biggest problem in math education. I can't say enough good things about the work that they are doing." -Sharon
"I hope that many colleges decide to use Way to Succeed as part of their freshmen STEM courses. This seems like a good way to address these "novice learner" issues that so many people need when they get to college." -Wayne
"I really like how this program focuses on how the students can help themselves learn in a college class." -Gerald
"Oh yeah, it was super easy to set up! I'm excited to use it this semester! Thank you!!" -Rebeka
"I agree 100% with your statement on improving self-regulation, and I believe that this is an area where a lot of instructors (and mathematics instructors in particular) really don't have a lot of training, resources, or even good instincts." -Alex
☛ From Students:
"Way to Succeed helped me better my study skills throughout the semester." -Mandy
"I would highly recommend that all students are required to do the WTS next semester because it is a game changer!" -Michael
"WTS was very helpful with my walk in Algebra and college this semester! It helped me think outside the box and to question things differently!" -Karen
"I just finished my 2nd test and it was really helpful. It made me think about my life and study skills that I'm working on!!!" -Harrison